What Does An Applicant See?

After you have requested an application clickthrough, the applicant receives an email and is prompted to follow the link and enter the unique access code to view the application. The online application view is similar to what you see as a partner. However, the applicant is unable to edit the Product and Pricing sections. 

The applicant will see a progress bar with Complete Application, Documentation, Submitted, and Approved steps, detailed below. The step number will provide access to each step when the previous step is completed, and the number appears in green. The option to Print Application appears in the top right. After the application is completed, the applicant can be given access to the application by using the Collect Clickthrough in Application Detail.

Step 1: Complete Application

The application status is Incomplete. The applicant can edit and enter any application data except the Product and Pricing sections. With our “live” feature, when you and your applicant are in any of the Online Application (OLA) fields, you will see their name on the left-hand side of the field. After the application is reviewed, the applicant will view the Merchant Electronic Signature. After all the checkboxes are checked, the applicant will select I agree

Note: The applicant clicking I Agree must be one of the owners or the control person of the business.

Once the clickthrough agreement has been completed, application fields are locked.

Step 2: Documentation

The application status is Documentation. The applicant will either view the supporting materials uploaded by you or can upload the requested documentation. The documentation buckets are the same as you can view in the  Application Detail; however, the applicant does not have access to upload additional information.

Once all the required documentation is uploaded, the applicant can select Submit Application.

Step 3: Submitted

The application status is Submitted. The application is now in review, and the applicant will see a message on the screen thanking them for their submission. The applicant is directed to contact the sales representative or Qualpay (1-877-222-7677 or sales@qualpay.com) with any questions or concerns.

Step 4: Approved

The application status is updated with the credit decision, and the OLA will be updated to either Approved or Declined.