Request An Application Clickthrough

Go to Applicationssearch, and select an application from the list. 

Qualpay requires at least one of the owners or a designated control person to click through the application. You can send clickthrough requests to multiple people depending on the entity's structure. Still, the clickthrough recipients must be owners or control persons of the entity who are authorized to sign contracts for the entity.

Before you request an application clickthrough:

  • You will need to select a Business Entity Type under About Your Business
  • You will need to add at least one processing product added in the Products section
  • We suggest that you review the Pricing section

When you request an application clickthrough, you will need to provide at least:

  • the Owner/Control Person's First and Last names
  • their phone number
  • their email address

To send a "quick" clickthrough to an Owner or Control Person, click the Actions Menu icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Application Details. Click Collect clickthrough. You will be given the option to select an Owner/Officer who is already listed on the application, or you can select to add a new Owner/Officer to the application. Once a recipient is selected and information added as needed, click Send Clickthrough.

If you would like to add more information about the Owner or Control person before you send them the clickthrough request, scroll down to the Owner/Officer section of the application. Add a new Owner/Officer by clicking Add and entering at least the Owner/Control Person's First and Last names, phone number, and email address. You must also select that they are either an Owner, a Control Person, or both to allow them to perform a clickthrough. There may be additional fields that show as required, but if you click Save for later, it will save these items so you can email the clickthrough.

To send this Owner/Officer a clickthrough:

  1. Click the Actions Menu icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Application Details
  2. Click Collect clickthrough
  3. Select the Owner/Officer you just added, then click Send Clickthrough.

The clickthrough recipient will receive an email with the subject “Your digital signature is requested for your Qualpay application.”

Have the recipient complete the clickthrough process by filling in any OLA fields missing information. Complete the Merchant Electronic Signature section by clicking the I Agree button to move to the documentation section of the application. Applicants cannot edit the pricing and products section but can print the application.

If information is still missing, the OLA will show a list of required items before the clickthrough can be completed.

Once the clickthrough is completed, the recipient will view the OLA in a format similar to your view.

When the clickthrough is completed, the application status is changed to Documentation. You can track the progress of the application using the Watch feature.