Partner Manager Dashboard Overview

Sign into Qualpay Partner Manager and view the Dashboard.

The Qualpay Partner Manager Dashboard is the landing page you access when you first log into Partner Manager. The view is based on your user access level. Questions about user access levels can be sent to The dashboard provides an overview of your portfolio, activity over the previous three months and the current month, graphs to view application status and residuals, and data on account status by month. Quick links provide access to detailed report information. 

The dashboard sections are described below: 

  • Watched Topics, located on the upper right-hand side, offers a total count of all tracked applications where a  trigger event occurred. Select the link adjacent to “Watched Topics” by clicking the number to view a report of watched applications. For each application, select Alerts to see the events triggered, View to navigate to the application and Unwatch to remove the tracking of an application.
  • Favorite Reports provides access to your saved reports and quick links to any reports you have saved as one of your favorites.  
  • Quick Links - provides User Search access to lookup your partner-level and merchant users. Enter a user, then view the User Detail.
  • Activity by Billing Month provides a tabular view of the previous three months and the current month’s trending data: total accounts, active accounts, number of sales, sales volume, credits volume, disputes volume, disputes ratio, average ticket, residual, and margin. The previous three months' data is based on billing rather than a calendar month.
  • Applications By Month displays the last three months of application statuses as Created, Approved, Declined, or Canceled. These statuses provide a quick view of how many applications are in what application status. Select the 3, 6, or 12-month buttons above the chart to change the data view. 
  • Application Decisions provides a pie-chart view by default of the last three months of the statuses referenced in the Applications By Month graph. Select the 3, 6, or 12-months buttons above the chart to change the data view. 
  • Merchant Accounts provides a tiled view of the account statuses by billing month. Select the Month-To-Date (MTD) or Year-To-Date (YTD) number next to the status you are interested in viewing and access the Reports with the associated detailed report.
  • Residual By Month displays by default the last three months of residuals by billing month. Select the 3, 6, or 12-months buttons above the chart to change the chartered data view.
  • Residual By Merchant displays a pie-chart of residual by merchant contribution for the last billing month, providing insight into portfolio concentration.