Completing The Qualpay Application - Data

Go to Applications, search and then select an application. 

There are two stages to complete and submit an application. The first is to collect and enter the application data, then collect the clickthrough. The second is to provide the supporting materials and submit the application. Either you or the applicant can submit the application.

Once a Qualpay Online Application (OLA) is created, you and your applicant can collaborate to complete the information required. Real-time updates are visible to everyone working on the application, and all information entered is automatically and securely saved. With our “live” feature, when you and your applicant are in any of the OLA fields, you will see their name on the left-hand side of the field.

Return to an application at any time to complete or update while the application is in Incomplete status

To enter the application data:

  1. View the Application Detail and the Application Overview section. When the Current Status of the application is Incomplete, you can complete the application data fields and upload supporting documentation. When the application is in Documentation status, you can continue to upload documentation the submit the application. Click the plus icon to add and view notes.  Click the Action Menu button to find functions such as Watch Application to track an application or Collect Clickthrough to share the application with the applicant.

  1. Enter the Qualpay Application data by completing the following sections:

About You

Enter the merchant contact you will be interacting with to complete the OLA. The table below describes the required fields and their meaning:

Your NameThe contact for the application’s first name and last name.
Your PhoneThe contact for the application’s phone number.
Your EmailThe contact for the application’s email address.

Your Business

Enter the contact information for the business for whom you are completing the application. The table below describes the required fields and their meaning:

Business NameEnter the applicant's Doing Business As (DBA) name instead of the business's legal name. The DBA will be used when processing transactions and appear on the cardholder statement.
Business PhoneEnter the business phone number where you would like to be reached. The business phone will be used when processing transactions. Depending on the issuing bank, it will appear on the cardholder statement.
Business EmailEnter the general business email. The business email established here will be used when processing transactions and may appear on the cardholder statement.
Business WebsitesEnter the applicant’s business website URL(s).
Additional WebsitesEnter the applicant’s third-party websites related to the business (marketing, social media, etc.).
Business AddressEnter the applicant’s business address. USPS will verify this when you select Validate Address. You will be able to edit the address as needed. Today we support businesses located within the USA.  
Do you have a different mailing address?If so, please provide the address.
Do you have any additional addresses?
Enter any additional current or previous physical addresses that the business has used within the past two years.

About Your Business

Define the business entity and provide a detailed business description and information on how the applicant is selling. The table below describes the required fields and their meaning:

Business Entity TypeSelect from five business types: Sole Proprietorship, Limited Liability Company, Corporation, Partnership, and Non-Profit. A variety of other fields are required based on selecting the entity type. Note also that the Ownership section will dynamically change based on this information. Qualpay Underwriting may ask for different types of documentation depending on the business type.
Entity TypeRequired Fields
Sole ProprietorshipTax ID Type
Limited Liability CompanyLegal Name

State Filed

Federal Tax ID
CorporationTrading Status

Legal Name

State Filed

Federal Tax ID
PartnershipLegal Name

State Filed

Federal Tax ID

Are you a Limited Partnership?
Non-ProfitLegal Name

State Filed

Federal Tax ID
Business Start DateEnter the start date of the business. Qualpay Underwriting may ask for different types of documentation depending on how new the business is.
Business IndustryThis field can only be seen by Partners and Qualpay Administrators. The field may be fixed depending on the vertical, or select the category that best describes the business by typing in the search-ahead field. 
Business DescriptionProvide as much detail as possible. A description of the product, how and where it is sold, and any special requests and circumstances. Limit of 256 characters.
How are you selling?Select all appropriate fields from the checkboxes provided.
Do you advertise?If applicable, toggle the slider to green.
How do you advertise?Required when you select yes to Do you advertise, select all the options that are applicable by selecting the appropriate checkboxes.
When is the payment processed?Select either At Time of Order or At Fulfillment.
How many days are there between payment and fulfillment?Required when you select At Time of Order, select all the checkboxes that apply.
How is the order fulfilled?If the business contracts with a fulfillment center to send out orders, then the fulfillment center is a Third Party. Suppose the business owns a fulfillment center or other in-house means of fulfilling orders. In that case, the order is fulfilled by My Business.
Fulfillment Center Name, Fulfillment Center Address, Fulfillment Contact Name, Fulfillment Contact Phone, and Fulfillment Contact emailRequired when you select Third Party to How is the order fulfilled. Complete the fulfillment center name and address. USPS will verify the provided address when you select Validate Address. You can edit the address as many times as need be. The fulfillment center can be located outside of the United States. 
Do they enter card payments on your behalf?Required when you select Third Party to How is the order fulfilled. Select yes by clicking the slider to green.
How is the order received?Select those that apply.
Do you authorize delivery without getting a signature?Required when you select Delivery to How is the order received. Select yes by clicking the slider to green.
Does your business use a 3rd party call center?Select yes by clicking the slider to green if applicable.  
Call Center Name, Call Center Address, Call Center Contact Name, Call Center Contact Number, and Call Center Contact emailWhen you select Yes to Does your business use a 3rd party call center, this information is required. Complete the call center name and address. USPS will verify the provided address when you select Validate Address. You can edit the address as many times as need be. The call center can be located outside of the United States. Also, enter the contact name, phone, and email.
Does this business use other Third Parties?Select yes by clicking the slider to green if applicable.  
Provide the 3rd Party namesRequired when you select Yes to Does this business use other Third Parties
Is your business seasonal?A seasonal business processes credit cards for less than six months in one year. Select yes by clicking the slider to green.
Which months are you open for business?Required when you select Yes to Is your business seasonal. Select the applicable months.
What is your refund policyUse the drop-down bar to select between No refunds, Refund in 30 days or less, Exchange only, or Other. If other is selected, then explain.

Owner/Officer Information

This section is dynamic and is based on how the Business Entity Type question is answered. For the entity types: Partnership, LLC, or a Non-Public Corporation, you will be asked how many entities or people have greater than 25% ownership; this will drive how many owners are required for the application. For a Non-Profit or Corporation, only one authorized signer is required. However, due to  Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements, a social security number is still collected, stored, and not used by Qualpay. This requirement was introduced in May 2018 by Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCen) and the requirement to understand who the Control Person within a business is.

To add an owner or a contact to the application, select Add Owner and enter the information requested. An owner can live in the U.S., Canada, or Costa Rica but MUST have a US-issued social security number. Below is a table that describes the fields and their meaning:

Enter the first and last name of the contact.  
Who is the individual?Select one or all of the following options: Owner (An owner or officer of this business), Control Person (An individual with significant responsibility for managing this business, e.g., Chief Executive Officer, President, Managing Member, General Partner, Chief Operating Officer, Vice President, etc. Only one control person is required per application.) and Qualpay User (this individual will receive a login to the Qualpay Platform to view business reporting or Qualpay products).
User ResponsibilitiesRequired when you select Qualpay User to Who is the individual. Select all that apply: Administrator  - An Administrator is a primary contact for the Qualpay Merchant Account. Choosing this option will include all Dispute responsibilities as well. This user can also create and manage other users and change the merchant account, such as changing the bank deposit account or changing the business' address.
Support - A support user is authorized to contact the Qualpay help desk and perform various tasks such as troubleshooting technical issues, asking questions about merchant statements, or general questions about the merchant account. A support user cannot make any changes to the merchant account.
Dispute - A dispute user will receive new dispute email notifications and is authorized to contact Qualpay to discuss dispute-related questions.
IRS - An IRS user receives IRS-related notification emails and is responsible for managing the delivery of the IRS 1099-K form.
PhoneEnter the phone number of the contact.
EmailEnter the email address of the contact.
TitleRequired when you select Control Person to Who is the individual. Select the appropriate option from the drop-down.
Percent of Ownership
Required when you select Owner to Who is the individual and the Business Entity Type is LLC, Partnership or a Non-Public Corporation. Enter the percentage of ownership for the contact.
Other Businesses
List any other corporate names, business names, trade names, fictitious names, DBAs, or aliases under which the contact has conducted business.
FTC or Legal Filings
Select yes by clicking the slider to green if applicable. If yes is selected, a short description of the FTC complaint or legal filing is required.
Birth DateRequired when you select either Control Person or Owner to Who is the individual. Please enter the date of birth of the contact.
Social SecurityRequired when you select either Control Person or Owner to Who is the individual. Enter the social security of the contact. Please note if the contact belongs to either a Non-Profit or Publicly Traded Corporation, the social security number is still required to comply with KYC. The information is collected and not used.
Drivers License Number
A U.S. drivers' license is the most commonly-collected form of identification. A state I.D. number or passport number is acceptable in place of a drivers' license.
DL State
Select the U.S. state that issued the driver's license or state I.D. Select any state when using another form of identification, such as a passport.
Home AddressRequired when you select either Control Person or Owner to Who is the individual. Enter the home address of the contact and validate.

About Taking Payments

Provide information about whether the applicant has processed payments previously and what payment types they will be processing with Qualpay. The table below describes the required fields and their meaning:

Have you processed credit cards before?  Select yes by clicking the slider to green. This field will also drive the documentation requirement.  
Previous ProcessorsThis field is required when you select Yes to Have you processed credit cards before. List each of the merchant processors the business has had an account with in the last two years.
Has your acquirer relationship been canceled previously?This field is required when you select Yes to Have you processed credit cards before. Select yes by clicking the slider to green.
Reason for cancelationThis field is required when you select Yes to Has your acquirer relationship been canceled previously. Enter the reason for cancellation.  
Name of that acquirerThis field is required when you select Yes to Has your acquirer relationship been canceled previously. Enter the name of the previous acquirer.
Date of cancelationThis field is required when you select Yes to Has your acquirer relationship been canceled previously. Enter the date of cancellation.
Has this business ever been in a chargeback monitoring program?
Select yes by clicking the slider to green, if applicable
Card Brand Monitoring Program
This field is required when you select Yes to Has this business ever been in a chargeback monitoring program. Select the monitoring program from Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
Reason for enrollment
This field is required when you select Yes to Has this business ever been in a chargeback monitoring program. Specify the reason for the enrollment in the monitoring program.
Any prior bankruptcies?
Select yes by clicking the slider to green.
Type of BankruptcyThis field is required when you select Yes to Any prior bankruptcies. Select the type of either Personal or Business.
Date dischargedThis field is required when you select Yes to Any prior bankruptcies. Select the discharge date.
Select Card Brands and TypesTypes include Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and Google Pay. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are selected by default. You can deselect the American Express option to opt-out or add an SE number for American Express.
Do you have a direct relationship with American Express?This field is required when you deselect American Express in Select Card Brands and Types. Select yes by clicking the slider to green. Leaving the question as No will opt the applicant out of processing American Express.
What is your existing AMEX SE Number?This field is required when you deselect American Express in Select Card Brands and Types and answer yes to Do you have a direct relationship with American Express.  Enter the direct American Express SE number.
Projected Annual Credit Card Volume
Enter the total projected sales volume of credit cards.
Projected Total Annual SalesEnter the total projected sales volume of credit cards and cash combined.
Typical Sales AmountEnter the typical sales amount to be processed.  
Largest expected saleEnter the largest expected sales amount to be processed.  
OnlineEnter the percentage of credit card volume processed online (CNP - Card not present).
Mail and PhoneEnter the percentage of credit card volume processed via phone or mail (CNP - Card not present).
In PersonEnter the percentage of credit card volume processed in-person (CP - Card present).


Provide information about the products used to process payments. The table below describes the required fields and their meaning:

Have you processed with Qualpay before?Select yes by clicking the slider to green, if applicable. This field will help us link the necessary accounts to this application.
Previous Qualpay account numbersRequired when you select yes to Have you processed with Qualpay before.  Enter the Merchant Identification (MID) numbers.
ProductsAt least one processing product is required to submit an application. Select Add Product to add the required products. To add additional products to your application, please email

Where should we deposit your money?

Provide information for the bank account to be used for funding and billing. The table below describes the required fields and their meaning:

Bank Checking Routing #Enter the applicant's bank routing number. The routing number is a nine-digit code that identifies your bank or credit union in a financial transaction. It's the first set of numbers printed on the bottom of the checks, on the left side.
Bank Checking Account #Enter the checking account number. The account number (usually 10-12 digits) is specific to the applicant’s business account. It’s the second set of numbers printed on the bottom of the checks, just to the right of the bank routing number.  


Your channel is configured with agreed-upon pricing templates. Once you select the appropriate pricing template, you can update specific items between the ceiling and floor set for the pricing element. If changes are made to a pricing element, you will need to click Save Pricing. You can make pricing changes until the applicant has clicked through the OLA and the status of the application is no longer Incomplete.


Add any comments to share with the Qualpay underwriting. Only Qualpay and you as the Partner will see these comments.