Qualpay Application Detail: Application Menu

Go to Applications, select an application, and view the Application Detail.

The Application Menu, denoted by an action menu icon, is located across from the Business DBA on the upper right-hand side of the application detail. The options in the Application Menu may vary at points throughout the application process.

Watch SettingsReceive email notifications when the application reaches specific points in the application process.
Collect ClickthroughThis option emails the application to the selected Business Owner or Control Person. The owner or control person can fill out the application, perform a clickthrough application signature, or add application documents.

Note: After an initial clickthrough agreement is collected, you can send additional clickthrough emails to other people. They can view the application, but they cannot add or change a clickthrough agreement.
Validate ApplicationPerforms a quick check of the application and shows you which fields still need information.
Submit ApplicationSend the completed application to the Qualpay Underwriting Team for review.

Note: "Submit Application" is hidden until the application is complete.
Withdraw ApplicationBefore submission, you can withdraw the application if needed. Withdrawn applications are hidden from the Applications list.