Qualpay Application Emails

A series of emails to the applicant are initiated during the application process. The emails are customizable where “Partner Content” appears. Please get in touch with partner support if you want your emails customized.

The application emails are as follows:

  1. Access to the On-Line Application
  2. Supporting documentation is required
  3. The application is being reviewed

The signature line of the emails is the sales representative entered when creating the application. 

Note: The security code in the email is valid for 30 days, after which you can re-send the application email to re-enable access

Email 1: Access to the On-Line Application (OLA) 

Access to the OLA can be shared with the applicant anytime between when the application is created, or the data has been completed. Following is the information for email 1.

SUBJECT: Fill out your Qualpay Application Today

From:  newaccount@qualpay.com

Dear Contact Name

Thank you for choosing Qualpay. Partner content. To access and complete the Qualpay application, visit http://app.qualpay.com/application/#/f82a5…... and enter your unique security code: xxxxxx.

You can return to this link at any time during the application process. When you do, all the information you have entered will be saved along the way.

At Qualpay, we believe you have more important things to do than worry about processing payments. So we take care of it for you, with service that is simple, versatile and affordable. And that leaves you more time for doing what you do best—running your business. Partner Content.

Partner Content.

We're thrilled to have the opportunity to be part of your business success.

Sales Representation
e: salesrepresentative@email.com

Email 2: Supporting documentation required 

Either you or the applicant can upload the required supporting materials. Once this step is complete, the application can be submitted. Following is the information for email 2.

SUBJECT: Your Qualpay Application requires Supporting Documentation.

From: newaccount@qualpay.com

Dear Contact Name,

Now you have entered and agreed to Qualpay Application’s information, you have one more step to finish - documentation about you and your business. This documentation is necessary for both you and Qualpay to remain compliant with federal, state and card brand requirements involved with the processing of payments. Partner Content.

Visit http://app.qualpay.com/application/#/f82a5…... and enter your unique security code: xxxxxx, and select the “Documentation” step.  Then upload the indicated documentation.  

As before, you can return to this link at anytime and all the information you have provided will be saved.  Once we receive your documentation, we will begin a full review of your application.  Partner Content.

If you have any questions or need further help with your application, do not hesitate to contact either your sales representative or email us at sales@qualpay.com. 

Partner Content.

We're ready to roll up our sleeves and get working for you.  

Sales Representation
e: salesrepresentative@email.com

Email 3: Application is being Reviewed

Once the application is submitted, the applicant will be processed by the Qualpay Underwriting team. Following is the information for email 3.

SUBJECT: Your Qualpay Application is being Reviewed

From:  newaccount@qualpay.com

Dear Contact Name,

Thank you for providing the information we need to process your Qualpay Application. Partner Content. We are now reviewing and you should hear back from us shortly.  

While we review your application, you can still contact us with any questions you might have.  Contact either your sales representative or email us at sales@qualpay.com. Partner Content.

Partner Content.

We look forward to putting the best payment processing solutions available anywhere to work for you.

Sales Representation
e: salesrepresentative@email.com