View or Download Merchant VAR Form

If you are a Top Level or Middle-Level partner user, you can view or download your merchant’s 3rd party integration VAR (Value-Added Reseller) forms from the Qualpay Partner Portal.  

Go to Accounts and then select the Filter Icon.

  1. Use a filter option to identify and locate the Qualpay account. 
  2. Once you have filtered the results, click on the identified line to view the Merchant Detail page. 
  3. Scroll down the Merchant Detail page to the Products section. 
  4. Click on the 3rd Party Integrations button in the Products section header.
  5. A list of all available 3rd party products that are assigned to that account and have a VAR form available.  
  6. Click on the Configuration button to view the VAR form.  
  7. Click the Download button to download the VAR form.