Go to Reports and then select the Processing Summary report.
The Processing Summary report offers you a view of your merchant portfolio and analysis of sales to disputes. Navigate from the summary report all the way to an individual merchant’s disputes and the dispute detail. Alternatively, select the magnifying glass icon to view the processing history detail for an individual merchant. The detailed view displays the trending data by month; by default 24 months will display.
Further information about disputes is available.
The Processing Summary report offers a view of the following fields:
Field | Description |
Node ID | Qualpay supports a reporting hierarchy for you and your merchants. The hierarchy node is a number assigned to the application and appears in the Application Overview of the Application Detail. |
Node Name | Qualpay supports a reporting hierarchy for you and your merchants. The hierarchy node name is the name assigned to the application and appears in the Application Overview of the Application Detail. |
# Purch Prev | The number of batched sales from the previous processing month. |
$ Purch Prev | The total of batched sales by dollar amount from the previous processing month. |
# Disputes Prev | The total number of first-time disputes with an incoming date from the previous processing month. |
# Disputes Ratio Prev | The count dispute ratio from the previous processing month. The ratio is calculated by the total number of first-time disputes divided by the total number of purchases. |
$ Disputes Prev | The total dollar amount of first-time disputes with the incoming date from the previous processing month. |
$ Disputes Ratio Prev | The volume ratio of first-time disputes from the previous processing month. The ratio is calculated by the total of first-time disputes volume divided by the total purchase volume over the same time period. |
# Purch | The number of batched sales for the current month. |
$ Purch | The total of batched sales by dollar amount for the current month. |
# Disputes | The total number of first-time disputes with an incoming date for the current month. |
# Disputes Ratio | The count dispute ratio for the current month. The ratio is calculated by the total number of first-time disputes divided by the total number of purchases. |
$ Disputes | The total dollar amount of first-time disputes with the incoming date for the current month. |
$ Disputes Ratio | The volume ratio of first-time disputes for the current month. The ratio is calculated by the total of first-time disputes volume divided by the total purchase volume over the same time period. |
The Processing History report is the processing summary for each merchant. The table supports filtering and selecting a row to view the detail:
Search by using the filter icon and select from the following options:
Field | Description |
DBA Name | The business name, also known as DBA (Doing Business As) name. This will be used when processing transactions and will appear on the cardholder statement. |
Merchant ID | The Merchant ID or MID is the account number assigned by Qualpay to the account. |
Month | The processing month. |
Merchant Status | The status of the Qualpay account. |
# Purch | Enter a batched sale count to look for matching merchants with a total batched sales count for the specified month. |
$ Purch | Enter a batched sale amount to look for matching merchants with a total batched sales by dollar amount for the specified month. |
# Returns | Enter a batched credit count to look for matching merchants with a total batched credit count for the specified month. |
$ Returns | Enter a batched credit amount to look for matching merchants with a total batched credit by dollar amount for the specified month. |
# Disputes | The total number of first-time disputes with an incoming date for the current month. |
$ Disputes | Enter a dollar amount of first-time disputes with the incoming date for the current month. |
View the table data and see the same fields as the summary and in addition, the following fields. Then select a row to see the Processing History detail:
Field | Description |
Merchant ID | The Merchant ID or MID is the account number assigned by Qualpay to the account. |
DBA Name | The business name, also known as DBA (Doing Business As) name. This will be used when processing transactions and will appear on the cardholder statement. |
Month | Processing month. |
Processing History Detail report displays the following additional fields and the previous Processing Summary fields, viewable by processing month for the last 24 months :
Field | Description |
Merchant | A combination of the MID and the DBA Name. |
MCC | A Merchant Category Code (MCC) is assigned to the merchant during underwriting and is passed with a transaction during processing. The code is a four-digit number and a standard used to classify a business by the type of goods or services it provides. |
MCC Description | The description of MCC. |
Approved Volume | The approved monthly volume assigned by our underwriting team. |
Average Ticket | The approved average ticket amount. |
High Ticket | The approved high ticket amount. |
Month | Processing month. |