Updated Articles

  1. Request An Application Clickthrough

    Information on requesting a clickthrough on a Qualpay online application.
  2. View or Download Merchant VAR Form

    Information on how to view and download a merchant VAR form from the Qualpay platform.
  3. Track an Application

    Information on how to track a Qualpay online application.
  4. Suspended Funds

    Information on the Suspended Funds report.
  5. Statement Summary

    Information on the Statement Summary report.
  6. Search for an Application

    Information on how to search for a Qualpay online application.
  7. Search for an Account

    Information on how to search for an account.
  8. Residuals Report

    Information on the Residuals report.
  9. Reserve Funds

    Information on the Reserve Funds report.
  10. Reconciliation Summary

    Information on the Reconciliation Summary report.