New Articles

  1. Request An Application Clickthrough

    Information on requesting a clickthrough on a Qualpay online application.
  2. Account Status

    Information on Qualpay account statuses.
  3. Qualpay Billing Cycles

    Information on billing cycles that relate to reconciling merchant statements. This information can be found on our merchant knowledge base.
  4. Submit An Application

    Information on submitting a Qualpay online application.
  5. Qualpay Merchant Manager Knowledge Base

    A direct link to the Qualpay Merchant Manager Knowledge Base.
  6. Create Application Notes

    Information on adding notes to a Qualpay online application.
  7. Withdraw An Application

    Information on how to withdraw an application.
  8. Communication History

    Information on the Communication History report.
  9. IRS 1099-K

    Information on the IRS 1099-K report.
  10. Application Process and Status

    Information on the process and status of Qualpay online applications.